E is for eye!

(For the benefit of first timers: For this years challenge I’ve given myself a personal improvement project of doing a 30 minute digital ‘speed’ paint each day.  My goal is 2 fold: to become a faster digital painter and to figure out a way to paint that doesn’t look digital.  I can paint digitally; and pretty well; but it has the LOOK of a digital painting, so I’m trying to improve on that.).

here is a 30 minute ‘painting’ of an eye. 

I tried kind of a digital alla prima approach with this one. I think if I were to paint for longer than 30 minutes I could really make this look nice.  As it is; it looks ok.  The eye kept drifting to the ‘CBS eye’ look… but I tried to keep it from doing that. 

anyway.  This was fun; and I don’t totally hate today’s speed painting. 

I have decided that next year I’m going to paint something I’m good at for this challenge rather than do a self improvement challenge lol.  it is a little embarrassing to post these fast practice pieces.  BUT I think it is worth doing and It is forcing me to try new things; so there is that.
If I were to spend more time on it I’d fix the eye shape a bit, add some more dark tones; it is very bright right now; and refine some of the edges.  All things to keep in mind for tomorrow.

Anything you think would be a cool subject to paint tomorrow?  Leave your F suggestions in the comments.  OR if you have an idea for another letter- you can suggest those as well.


9 responses to “E is for eye!”

  1. Rob Z Tobor Avatar

    I used to draw a picture for each letter of the A to Z, but this year I'm just using photos (ok I might use an old picture later on). Good luck with the journey to Z, creating artwork for each letter is a big askRob Z Tobor


  2. Random Musings Avatar

    This is really good, better than I could do in hours lol. My F suggestion is a fishDebbie


  3. Alicia Hawks Avatar

    I drew a fish!! it's a quick drawing; but hey still fishy! Thanks for dropping by 😀


  4. Alicia Hawks Avatar

    Yea it is… I'm sorta regretting it. But I do warm up drawings anyway; so it's not to far away from the norm. Thanks for coming!


  5. Deborah Weber Avatar

    I'm fascinated by this – both the challenge you've set for yourself and the drawing you produced. Very nice!


  6. Alicia Hawks Avatar

    Thank you! I hope you come back. This week I'm probably going to be a little lazy on the challenge (it is my Anniversary on Friday and we're actually doing something for it) but next week I'll be back to the speed painting/drawing. 😀


  7. Cherdo Avatar

    I teach art classes to high school kids and one of the most challenging things we do is when we break down all the components of a realistic human face and practice them (eyes, noses, mouths, ears…). Nice work!Thanks, and best wishes!CherdoCherdo on the FlipsideBlogging from A-to-Z April Challenge


  8. Mark Avatar

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.


  9. Twicsy Avatar

    Fint innlegg, jeg har delt det med vennene mine.


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